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BODYJOY Butters is a natural hair and skincare company founded by mother and daughter duo Melody and Brianna Brumfield in NYC. Using natural organic ingredients like shea butter, coconut oil, cocoa butter, mango butter, and essential fragrance oils, BODYJOY products are freshly made to order and eco-friendly. Melody and Brianna were inspired to create their own products in an effort to monitor the ingredients they were using on their bodies which has since flourished into a much-needed brand of all-natural essentials.

SHEER: What is BODYJOY Butters, and how did the brand come to life?

MELODY BRUMFIELD: BODYJOY BUTTERS LLC is a natural hair and skincare company. We specialize in body and hair butter for healthier, moisturized skin and hair. Wanting safer hair and body care products for our family, we began making body butter at home. The company came to life when my daughter, Brianna, suggested we sell our homemade body butter. We started by making small jars for close friends and family. They then told their friends, family, colleagues, etc. Three years later, BODYJOY BUTTERS is growing into a successful small business.

SHEER: How long does it take to make one batch of your body butter, and what do you enjoy most about the process of making your own skincare products?

MB: A batch (four 8oz jars) of BODYJOY can take up to 90 minutes, which includes labeling and filling orders.  Our favorite part of making BODYJOY is knowing that our customers are getting all-natural, raw ingredients that are safe for them and their families.

SHEER: How do you select the ingredients in your products, and where do you primarily source from?

MB: Our ingredients are selected based on the need for their use, quality, and health benefits. For example, our HairJOY is made slightly different than our body butter because it is targeted for the hair. HairJOY is made with Hempseed Oil, whereas our body butters are made with sweet Almond Oil. Hempseed Oil has a thicker consistency and stimulates hair growth and retention, which is not needed for your body. It also contains beeswax for a better style hold. Supporting other small businesses, we primarily source our ingredients from our local natural retailer, which only sells African natural products. 

Coconut Chocolate JOY, starting at $6

Rosie, starting at $6

SHEER: What are your most popular products currently, and what are their most effective qualities?

MB: Our most popular product is our Brown Sugar JOY and Hawaiian JOY body butter. While they both contain the same ingredients, their scents provide our customers with a different kind of JOY. Hawaiian JOY puts you in a state of vacation bliss, while Brown Sugar JOY makes you feel like a snack ;-) In addition to our therapeutic qualities, BODYJOY is known for its hydrating and nourishing healthy skin qualities.  

SHEER: How is BODYJOY BUTTERS challenging traditional haircare and skincare routines, and products in the mainstream beauty market? 

MB: BODYJOY BUTTERS challenges traditional hair and skincare routines and products in the mainstream beauty market by offering a simplistic, clean product. Gone are the days when women filled their medicine cabinet with loads of products with harmful ingredients. We’re saying you can have an effective beauty product, which yields excellent results without causing harm to your body. 

SHEER: What would you say are the top skincare essentials every woman needs for her regiment?

MB: The top skincare essential every woman needs is a non-harsh cleanser and nourishing moisturizer. A good moisturizer will protect you all day from free radicals, sun damage, and extreme weather. BODYJOY is a great head-to-toe moisturizer that offers protection against thoese harmful conditions and can be found at  Our body butter ensures all-day skin protection.  

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SHEER: What challenges did you face as a woman of color starting her own business in the beauty industry? What advice do you have for other women looking to embark on the same entrepreneurial journey?

MB: Women, especially women of color, are not largely represented in the beauty/health industry. Some of the well-known Fortune 500 companies are run by men. Our challenges, thus far, have been limited to being our own funding resource. However, I believe as BODYJOY BUTTERS grows in the beauty/health industry, the challenges will become greater. We are up for a challenge, as anything in life worth doing is worth overcoming a few bumps in the road. Starting your own business is definitely a huge risk! Prepare yourself for long nights, stress headaches, and learning about topics that may not be your area of expertise, like business law and accounting. With that said, go for it! Take a bet on yourself; not many of us do. 

SHEER: What do you envision for the future of BODYJOY BUTTERS?

MB: We envision that within the next 5 to 7 years, BODYJOY will become a recognizable household name. We will become synonymous with brands that are currently on the shelves that we used when we were kids. Except, BODYJOY will be the go-to selection because we offer a safer product. We will also open a storefront where we can connect one-on-one with our customers, and continue spreading the word on healthier hair and skincare options. 

Melody & Brianna, founders of BODYJOY Butters

Check out more from BODYJOY Butters below.




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